Belly Bean

So Im having a  baby in 5 weeks….or 35 sleeps to be exact. Thats if the due date is right. Which I don’t think it is, plus Im feeling like it will come early. Naturally as a first time Mum my mind is pretty consumed about the birth. How am I going to go? I’ve chosen to do a natural bath birth, in hospital – well this is the plan anyway. Reading up on births and how best to manage the pain, it seems floating in a sea of information, there are a few certainties:

  1. I have absolutely NO idea what Im in for… no matter how much I read
  2. You can have a plan but that is all. What will happen could be completely different so make peace with that and LET IT GO
  3. Breathe, make noise or do whatever your body feels like doing when you are going through the labour process – this will help offset the pain. Slightly
  4. The gorgeous little human you get to meet will be the best thing that has ever happened to you
  5. I need to re read A. And Again. This applies to the first few weeks of being home with a newborn also

I would be lying if I didn’t say I was nervous, I worry about how my body is going to cope. Although I don’t consider myself to be reasonably fit (compared to my Crossfit partner anyway!) Im a healthy woman who is active everyday. This being said I am working hard mentally to try and let go of the outcome of a normal, natural birth. I have to prepare for the possibility this may not be the case. I like to think of myself as an Earth Mother, my body knows what to do and when to do it. I love to envisage an easy birth experience full of love and appreciation of not only the hard work I will go through to meet the beautiful baby but the whole messy, painful process. I realise this is probably naive, but I am a dreamer.


Mainly I just want the birth to be on our terms (the baby and I), the thought of having to be induced or a C section freaks me out. I realise medical intervention has it’s place but Universe if you’re listening, this is me placing my order of a normal, natural birth where the baby chooses when to come into this world and we work together for it to come out the birthing passage.

So, Im off to read some more blog posts and books (haha!), pack my hospital bag and get excited about meeting my tiny little human.


Love Love xxx